Middle School MONDAY, MARCH 17TH MEET AT THE COURTS AT 8:00 AM FOR THE ALL DAY TOURNAMENT. ALL PLAYERS NEED TO WEAR THE SCHOOL ISSUED MARCUS TENNIS T-SHIRT WITH BLACK OR WHITE SHORTS/SKIRT. PARENTS CAN PICK UP KIDS AT THE COURTS AT 2:45 PM. TUESDAY, MARCH 18TH MEET AT THE COURTS FOR TENNIS PRACTICE AT 7:55 AM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19TH MEET AT THE COURTS FOR TENNIS PRACTICE AT 7:55 AM THURSDAY, MARCH 20TH MEET AT THE HIGH SCHOOL AT 8:30 AM. FRIDAY, MARCH 21ST MEET AT THE HIGH SCHOOL AT 8:30 AM. My email is : jesterm@lisd.net *IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL ME OR TEXT ME AT 817-793-4050. THANK YOU, COACH JESTER All electronic UIL Forms on Rank 1. The forms are located at the following link: sites.google.com/a/staff.lisd.net/mhs-athletic-participation-forms/ Upcoming Tournaments Whenever the weather is bad look for changes on the schedule. In case of rain or other bad weather, please report to the hallway outside of Coach Langdon and Coach Jester's office at 8:30 am at Marcus High School. Any Questions contact Coach Jester jesterm@lisd.net |
Jr. VarsityTHE MARCUS J.V. TENNIS TEAM WILL CONTINUE TOURNAMENT PLAY ON MARCH 20TH. mhs.lisd.net –athletics – athletic forms Marcus Participation Forms On line Athletic forms need to be completed as soon as possible. mhs.lisd.net –athletics – athletic forms Marcus Participation Forms Upcoming Tournaments |
VarsityVARSITY TENNIS TEAM WILL CONTINUE TOURNAMENT PLAY ON FRIDAY, MARCH 21ST. On line Athletic forms need to be completed as soon as possible. mhs.lisd.net –athletics – athletic forms Marcus Participation Forms Upcoming Tournaments |